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increase in usage via multilingual chatbot


ticket resolution


automated query resolution

Partnering with Proto AICX marks a significant milestone for Bitflex as we prioritize delivering exceptional service and user-friendly experiences. Proto's AI-powered solutions enable us to streamline customer support, address user inquiries promptly, and create a more secure trading environment. This deployment reinforces our commitment to staying at the forefront of the cryptocurrency landscape.
Jeffrey Yee
Business Operations Manager, Bitflex

In today's digital landscape, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust consumer protection during cryptocurrency transactions is of paramount importance. Bitflex, a leading cryptocurrency exchange in Malaysia, faced the challenge of engaging end-users in resolving technical issues while maintaining the necessary level of human interaction. To tackle this challenge, Bitflex turned to Proto's AICX solution, which leveraged AI chatbots to guide users through their journey, with the ability to involve support agents when required. This case study explores how Proto's AICX transformed Bitflex's customer experience and significantly improved ticket resolution rates. Bitflex is a renowned player in the cryptocurrency industry, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for trading various digital assets. With a commitment to exceptional customer service and cutting-edge technology, Bitflex strives to provide a seamless and reliable cryptocurrency trading experience for users worldwide.



Bitflex needed an efficient way to engage its end-users in resolving technical issues. They sought a human-in-loop solution that would utilize AI chatbots to assist users but involve support agents when necessary. Additionally, Bitflex required different user journeys based on the communication channel, specifically distinguishing between Mobile (Android Vs. iOS) and Web (desktop).



To address these challenges, Bitflex implemented Proto's AICX solution. By collecting essential user data such as name, email, and device type prior to chats, Bitflex ensured that end-user chats were not anonymous. This allowed for better chat segmentation and provided support agents with vital information about the users they interacted with. Users could easily self-serve by engaging with the automated chat solution, while support agents served as a fallback option whenever needed. Proto's AICX seamlessly integrated into Bitflex's existing infrastructure, providing a personalized and efficient customer support experience.

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The deployment of Proto's AICX solution yielded impressive results for Bitflex:

1. Increased Engagement: Within just one month post-deployment, Bitflex witnessed an almost 2x increase in engaged usage, indicating a higher level of user interaction and satisfaction.

2. Improved Ticket Resolution: Over the first two months, Bitflex achieved a remarkable 77% ticket and case resolution rate. This indicates that the combination of AI chatbots and support agents led to effective issue resolution, enhancing customer satisfaction.

3. Automated Query Resolution: During the initial two-month period, Bitflex observed a significant 58% resolution of user queries through the automated chat solution alone. This not only reduced the workload on support agents but also provided users with quick and efficient resolutions.

By deploying Proto's AICX solution, Bitflex successfully enhanced consumer experience and protection during cryptocurrency transactions. The integration of AI chatbots, coupled with support agent involvement when necessary, resulted in improved engagement, higher ticket resolution rates, and efficient query resolution. Bitflex's collaboration with Proto exemplifies how leveraging advanced AI technology can revolutionize customer support in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency exchanges.

About Proto

Proto is the leading generative AI platform for local customer experience. Powered by GPT and its own proprietary AI engine, Proto's AI Customer Experience (AICX) Platform automates transactions, tickets, bookings, and other high-volume interactions for local and mixed languages across text, voice and 20+ messaging channels. Proto is globally-recognized for its inclusive AICX solutions across the government, financial, health and transport industries.